Gruppe von Jugendlichen [cbquestionnaires_inputCode_image-alttext #]

About i-konf

Back­ground &
Pro­ject re­s­­pon­­si­b­le

About i-konf

How to use i-konf:

To begin using i-konf, register free of charge and then create a new survey. There are different templates to choose from: t1 is suitable for the beginning of the confirmation period and t2 for before the confirmation day.
You can customise these questionnaires as needed by deleting questions or adding your own questions.
Respondents can answer the survey on their smartphones using the link or QR code. Alternatively, you can also use paper questionnaires.
Close the survey and you get all the results of your group directly.

i-konf introduces a digital feedback tool for developing and improving the quality of confirmation work: 

The main objective of i-konf is to better understand the quality of confirmation work, with the intention of developing it in the future. The digital, multifunctional feedback tool allows a subject-oriented quality development of confirmation work on several levels: 

  • Confirmands can easily give feedback on their experiences during confirmation work via their mobile phones.  
  • Main responsible and volunteers gain an impression of the confirmands’ feedback without time-consuming manual evaluation of feedback forms or research methodological expertise. On the basis of the feedback, they can draw conclusion for  further refinement of confirmation work in their parish. 
  • The data can be evaluated at local, regional, national and international level. Thus, i-konf contributes to parish and church development as well as to the networking of confirmation work in Europe.  

The back­ground

The digital feedback tool i-konf was developed as part of the third study on confirmation work in Germany and Europe and used for the first time as part of this study.  
14 years after the first study (2007/2008) and nine years after the second study (2012/2013), the third study (2021/2022) provides an overview of current confirmation work practices from the perspective of confirmands, full-time staff and volunteers. Rather than replicating earlier research, the third study offers a new, practice-oriented approach. Since the completion of the third study, the i-konf online tool has been made available to interested parishes free of charge.  
A total of ten European countries participate in the international research network: Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland. 
The results of the study are expected to be published in 2024. For more information, visit (opens in a new window)

Pro­ject sup­port

The management of the German project and the international project are co-operatively in the hands of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ilg (Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg) and Prof. Dr. Henrik Simojoki (Humboldt University Berlin) (opens in a new window).
Manuela Hees (Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg) (opens in a new window) is project coordinator. 
The project is financed by the participating European churches and German regional churches – the latter together with Comenius Institute and Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland.  

For questions and suggestions, please contact the project coordination at info[at]confirmation-research[dot]eu.   
Further information on the study can be found at (opens in a new window)